Friday, March 4, 2011

Mindful ingredient's

Every day i try to put a mindful ingredient into life, derived from the 7 principles of Mindfulness:
1. mildness / non-judging
2. patience
3. beginner's mind
4. trust
5. non- striving
6. acceptance
7. non-attachment

This little hand-made birdy keeps me in the moment. It is one out of 5, made by my mom- she got inspirered by Geninne
Every now and then mom deliveres an other little friend, just in an other color, different shape or with a sligthly different stich. I do not know how she does it ( do not know how to sew on a button), but this little friend is now part of my morning ritual. 
When i wake up I touch the birdie and welcome the day. Then i try to listen to my feelings and bodily sensations,  so this way i can learn to take care of myself during the day. Sometimes i learn that my body feels sour and heavy, or that my head is filled with cotton-wool. That is a sign that i need to slow down a bit, and make it myself more comfortable this day. 
Then the second challenge is taking a shower:
let the warm water wake me up, just feel the water and take a couples deep breathes. Most of the time,
 I find it quite difficult to surrender to this moment because my mind has started rattling yet. My to do list is immediately there. So for me, there is still a lot to learn.
How do you that? Do you have a morning ritual or any good practices to share? I really would like to read about it, so feel whelcome to leave a comment.

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