Saturday, January 8, 2011

Ginger tea

Yesterday evening I came bouncing home. I had a really exciting week at work, made a lot of hours and had some meaningful moments with my student. So I was still driving on adrenaline when I banged at the couch next to my dear. I made him totally crazy with all my stories; he just wanted to relax in front of the TV and there i was chatting about my work. Of course he was right, I had to relax but i did not know how.

When I woke up this morning I was still not at ease. I jumped out of bed to walk with the dog, score a nice breakfast, do the laundry, get flowers and so on. Just now, nine o'clock in the evening, I subsided into a chair. Now I can feel my body, my thoughts  (to do lists) are fading. And what really indulging is: my love is at this true moment baking a apple pie - intirely on his own initiative- especially for me!

Can not think of a better moment to make  a cup of warm ginger tea in my new kettle (got it for my 31 birthday). My yoga teacher advised me to make this abluent, relaxing tea. It is full of health benefits, easy to make and...... tastes great with fresh baked apple pie!

Here comes my recipe: 

Ginger Tea
4 cups of water
2-inch fresh ginger piece

optional: honey or cinnamon stick

First, peel and slice the ginger root. Put the water in a saucepan and bring it to boil. Add the slices of ginger into the boiling water. Reduce the heat, cover the saucepan, and let it simmer for about 15-20 minutes (optional with cinnamon stick). Strain the liquid out, and honey to taste.

Treat yourself to your home made tea and you will see, you'll slide into mindfulness. Enjoy your evening!

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