Sunday, September 15, 2013

Don't worry about a thing.....

Because everything will be all right

- Bob Marley-

Dear all,

It has been quit some time since i posted on this blog. Well, I needed all my energy for daily live- there was so much going on. Good things i must say! After all those years i'm pregnant..... i can not describe how i feel. Something like "Kicking and Alive, with this Little One (tomorrow 20 weeks!) in my belly". I am so thankful, and i lovelovelove being pregnant. Can not wait for this new adventure of motherhood!
Left side: you can see a bit of the ( 2 century old!) wooden sliding door behind our bed, where i keep my clothes.
The Dots in a little corner, combined with the Woods wallpaper from Cole and Son (has been years on my wish list!).

The old chimney with my beloved painting from Granny and the pregnancy chain, a gift from one from one of my best friends when she found out about Little One. 

So i hope this first post since means a new beginning at this blog. I hope i will be able to keep sharing my excitement and happy moments in upcoming life. For a start, here are some pics from our new bedroom, made by my love with recycled materials from our old little canal house. Because of the nausea in the first 16 weeks i spent a lot of time in my bed, but the delicate atmosphere made it a real nice place to be. Although it is not yet finished, it is already perfect to me.

Hope to be back here soon!